Friday, October 3, 2008


"sometimes in life, there are hardest path to went through eventhough there are option for THE WAY OUT...."
obviously in our daily life we are expecting things go smooth as we wish, as per plan although we may predict some obstacle upfront. those are the spices of life as things goes on. just like a farmer planting coconuts trees.. does he managed to expect all their trees will be harvested soon? of course the answer is NO. maybe from 100 trees only 30% is reliable and make profit. what about the others? there is no exact calculation on this matters. also apply to a businessman, if he invest in 10 potential companies, he does not expecting all the 10's will make profit. this is all what we call real life calcuation, no perfection except ALLAH.
inilah panaroma kehidupan insan yang sebenar. acapkali kita inginkan kesempurnaan dalam setiap urusan, jika berlumba lari, kita mau no 1, jika kita masak, kita nak masakan kita sedap, jika kita pelajar kita mahukan first class degree, jika kita guru kita mahukan anak murid kita faham sebagaimana kita faham. begitu juga bg seorang pendakwah, sudah barang pasti dia mahukan subjek dakwah itu sampai pada mad'u nya. namun kadang kala semua ini bukan dibawah kuasa kita. kita merancang dan usaha terbaik, namun kata putus, the ultimate decision is up to THE ALMIGHTY.
therefore , THE WAY OUT yang terbaik buat kita adalah pergantungan kita yang sesungguhnya pada ALLAH. hubungan kita dengannya harus utuh seperti tembok cina yang tidak lekang dek panas, tidak luntur dek hujan. agar bilamana hubungan itu rapat , maka kita senantiasa dibawah rahmat dan perhatianNYA. " setelah berusaha, maka bertawakkal".. itu yang terbaik

1 comment:

cahaya kegemilangan said...

betul tu.Kita merancang tp Allah lah sebaik2 perancang.Moga sentiasa istiqamah di sana.Illalliqo'